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UCLG & Global Taskforce
Back to all press releasesLocal democracy - 09.03.2018
Mayors worldwide call for the liberation of the Mayor of Dakar The mayor of Dakar, Khalifa Sall, has now been in prison for one year without trial. This year in prison is one year too many. Europe’s local and regional governments are joining the global movement to speak out against this injustice and call for Khalifa Sall’s freedom.
Reacting to this sad development, Deputy Mayor of Paris and Human Rights Special Envoy of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), Patrick Klugman, states: “All of Europe’s mayors and local leaders join the call from mayors worldwide for the freedom of our colleague Khalifa Sall. We call upon national and European authorities to put pressure on Senegalese civil authorities to respect the rule of ...
Reacting to this sad development, Deputy Mayor of Paris and Human Rights Special Envoy of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), Patrick Klugman, states: “All of Europe’s mayors and local leaders join the call from mayors worldwide for the freedom of our colleague Khalifa Sall. We call upon national and European authorities to put pressure on Senegalese civil authorities to respect the rule of ...
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