Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Local and regional governments as service providers

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  • Housing - 04.03.2022

    Europe’s Housing Crisis calls for a clear EU commitment
    On 1 March, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions, together with Housing Europe, Eurocities, the International Union of Tenants, FEANTSA, and Confrontations Europe signed a declaration including a 10-point plan to call for a clear commitment to boost public investment from the EU and European Housing Ministers.

    The declaration sets the ground for the informal conference of EU Ministers responsible for Housing that will take place in Nice on March 8th. This is a call to end unacceptable levels of rising housing exclusion, and make access to decent and affordable housing for all.

    The 10-point plan is declined under three main categories: a long-term investment in social, cooperative and public housing; a fair energy transition that makes green citizenship a reality for all, and more inclusive and attractive Next-Generation neighbourhoods.
  • Public procurement - 29.03.2019

    Are you happy with the way public procurement works? Let us know
    In partnership with the Committee of the Regions, we are launching a survey to assess the implementation of the 2014 directives on public procurement, and the challenges and the opportunities at local and regional level. Let us know what your challenges are, so we can find out how to overcome them.
  • Innovation - 14.02.2018

    Discover the Smart Villages Portal
    Browse through the Smart Villages Portal available in six languages to explore new ways to revitalise rural services through social and digital innovation.
  • Gender equality - 29.11.2017

    CEMR and EPSU publish new guidelines on gender equality in local and regional government
    As employers and service providers, local governments have a major role to play in promoting gender equality in public administration. Reflecting on the evolution of this issue since the first guidelines on gender equality were drawn up by CEMR and EPSU ten years ago, we have decided to publish new, up-to-date guidelines on the matter. We will also be working hand in hand with EPSU and our members to follow up on the implementation of these guidelines on the ground.
  • e-Democracy - 08.09.2016

    Call for papers: Democratic and electronic changes in local public action
    Do you have something to say about democratic and electronic changes in local government? Now is your time to shine:

    CEMR and the OLA network (Observatory on Local Autonomy) are calling for papers on the joint conference they are organising in Lille and Brussels in September 2017: "Democratic and Electronic Changes in Local Public Action in Europe: REvolution or E-volution?"

    If you think you are up to the challenge, send your paper to Ms Line Salmon-Legagneur ( by 19 September 2016. You can find the full version of the call with more details here. For further information, please contact CEMR Research and Studies Officer, Nathalie Noupadja:

  • ​Digital Single Market - 11.12.2015

    We have to ensure its benefits at the workplace and minimize potential risks
    "While digitalisation can foster more jobs and improve citizens' well-being, it impacts directly the local and regional governments and their employees, for instance, in terms of skills, training, infrastructure or the forms of work.  Spectacular wealth gains that digitalisation is expected to generate must be redistributed fairly among all members of society."

    This is in substance the message addressed by CEMR and its partner from the social dialogue, EPSU, in a press release on 11 December. It follows a joint declaration on the opportunities and challenges of digitalisation in public administration.
  • Public services - 06.08.2015

    Consultation: how can public services contribute to climate targets?
    In the frame of its commitment to fight climate change, CEMR and its member associations will participate in a consultation about the role of public services within the international negotiations (COP21) to be held in Paris by the end of the year. This consultation was launched by MEPs from the intergroup on public services.

    The results of the consultation will be debated during a conference on "COP 21 & Public Services: what is at stake?" on 15 September at the European Parliament.

    For further information you can contact Cédric Flin.
  • European Broadband Award - 03.08.2015

    An award to push forward the digital economy in Europe
    The European Commission invites local and regional governments to participate in the first edition of the European Broadband Award. This Europe-wide competition aims at identifying the five best projects of high-speed broadband networks – the so-called Next Generation Networks (NGN) - delivering at least 30 Mbps in urban, suburban and rural areas.

    This initiative aims to contribute to achieve the European broadband targets for 2020:
    • access for all to much higher internet speeds (30 Mbps or above) 
    • 50% or more of European households with internet connections above 100 Mbps 

    Get further information on the Broadband Europe initiative on the Commission's website

    Deadline for applications is 18 September.
  • Public services - 11.06.2015

    CEMR experts meet with EU Commission on 'public procurement’ and ‘concessions’ directives
    On 11 June, members of the expert group on public services met with representatives from the European Commission to exchange on the latest developments regarding the transposition of the ‘public procurement’ and ‘concessions’ directives, which was passed in 2014.

    Given their crucial impact on local and regional governments, CEMR has been actively involved in this process. Public procurements indeed constitute more than 15% of the EU GDP and offer strategic solutions to fulfil their public service missions. This naturally led the European Commission to reaffirm its willingness to pursue exchanges and collaboration with the CEMR and its member associations.

    Members of the expert group also reported on the TTIP talks and the outook for state aid and VAT rules developments.

    See also: CEMR's position on TTIP
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