Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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News in brief

  • Ukraine - 24.02.2023

    Declaration of the United Cities and Local Governments regarding Ukraine’s war
    In the light of the one-year anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) released a declaration condemning the aggression.

    The organisation advocates for a peaceful solution based on dialogue leading towards Ukraine´s restoration.

    UCLG also stresses its support to all the victims of the tragedy, and promises to continuously welcome Ukrainian refugees across Europe and the world.
  • Call for tender - 21.02.2023

    Looking for an external expertise to develop partnerships in France and in Spain
    CEMR is looking for an external expert external expertise to create and develop partnerships between Ukrainian municipalities and local governments in France and Spain.

    Deadline to apply: 07 March 2023

    For more information, have a look at our call for tender.
  • Call for tender - 17.02.2023

    Looking for an external expertise to develop partnerships in Italy
    CEMR is looking for an external expert external expertise to create and develop partnerships between Ukrainian municipalities and local governments in Italy.

    Deadline to apply: 03 March 2023

    For more information, have a look at our call for tender.
  • Gender equality - 17.02.2023

    Join us at UN CSW67 Parallel event on gender justice

    Four local government representative networks are joining forces at the 67th edition of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). PLATFORMA, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) and the Standing Committee for the Euro Mediterranean Partnership of Local and Regional Authorities (COPPEM) are organising the NGO CSW Parallel event “Cities forging the path to gender justice | Tools for equality in local life”.

    Join us on 6 March in New York to hear from local and regional representatives about how regional Charters for gender equality are key to move from good intentions to effective and impactful change. Exchange on how local and regional governments, in cooperation with civil society and other stakeholders, can propose innovative ways to implement gender equality agendas and achieve the ambitious targets of the SDG5 and all of the Sustainable Development Goals.

    How to join the event

    When? 6 March at 10:30 AM EST

    Where? Church Center of the United Nations (CCUN), 11th floor (registration on CSW NGO platform for on-site attendance), or online (pre-registration on Zoom)

    How? Updates and information on this session will be shared on NGO CSW67 Forum. For more information, go on the Platforma website or contact Jaimie Just, jaimie.just[at]

  • Ukraine - 15.02.2023

    "Bridges of Trust" will help rebuild 30 Ukrainian municipalities affected by the Russian war
    On 15 February 2023, the “Bridges of Trust” initiative kicked off its second phase with a hybrid event in Brussels. Until September 2023, 10 associations of local and regional governments from the EU member states will facilitate 30 new municipal partnerships for the reconstruction of Ukraine. The initiative is supported by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) and U-Lead.
    For more information on this event, read the press release.

  • Training Academy - 13.01.2023

    Discover the main findings
    On 21 October 2022, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) organised a training event for elected political representatives working in climate adaptation and mitigation, with an emphasis on sustainable finance. The sessions included a keynote speech from a scientist, presentations of case studies, interactive exercises and discussions. The objective was to familiarise local and regional elected officials with the concept of sustainable finance from a scientific, regulatory and technical perspective.
    A summary of the training work, including key concepts, speaker and panel content, and key findings, can be found here.
    This edition of the training academy represents the seventh in the series organised by CEMR/PLATFORMA, which was initially inspired by the Urban Agenda for the EU
  • CERV programme - 15.12.2022

    Discover the next funding opportunities!
    Check out the European Commission's (DG JUST) priorities for 2023 and 2024 and discover the next funding opportunities!

    The CERV programme is ​the biggest EU fund ever available for promoting and protecting EU rights and values (1.55 billion over 7 years). Together with the Justice programme (305 million euro over 7 years), it contributes to build a Union of Justice, Rights and Values.
  • COP 27 - 30.11.2022

    Local and Regional Goverments at the COP 27
    COP27 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, ended with the cover decision, known as the Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan. We, as part of “Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (“LGMA”) United Nations constituency, welcome the outcomes of this COP as there are new aspects such as the fund on loss and damage in the text, referring to the concept of climate justice. However, the outcomes leave many questions open, notably regarding national governments’ commitments to maintain the 1.5-degree objective. 

    CEMR/PLATFORMA and UCLG were present in Sharm el Sheik during COP27, as were many members associations (from the UK, France, Israel, Malta, Turkey, Germany…). CEMR is part of the LGMA United Nations constituency, whose focal point is ICLEI. More than 500+ delegates represented cities, regions and other subnational governments at COP27, more than most countries. Over 40000 participants worldwide came to this COP. 
  • Call for tender - 22.11.2022

    Looking for an expert to carry a research on the impact of the digital transition
    CEMR is looking for an external expert to carry a research on the impact of the digital transition on social dialogue at the local and regional level as a part of an EU-funded project.

    Deadline to apply: 15 December 2022

    For more information, have a look at our call for tender.
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